11 Ways of Staying Focused!

Posted by Business 7/16/2011
Each of us have our busy lives and in this world of constant distractions, how can you stay focused on our goals in practice, and at home? You have to do what it takes to achieve those goals. Here's some of the ways I stay focused. These are in addition to what I went over on the last coaching call, you should be listening to that call over and over again if you want to beat this recession.
Here are the additional 11 ways:
1. Having well defined goals. I can't stress the importance of this too much. Having goals which are well defined along good guidelines is key. I've found writing my goals down really helps. Whenever I get distracted, I read my goals and I'm reminded of what I am trying to do and why for the day.
2. Breaking things into bite sized chunks. Having broad high level goals are good but having an actionable plan is essential. Action is key here.
3. Prioritizing constantly. To figure out which task I should be working on, I prioritize constantly with sticky notes. Some tasks are more important than others.
4. Tracking progress vigorously. Each of us wants to improve our lives. However, it is easy to start with good intentions but more difficult to sustain commitment. That's why you want to use the Report stats sheet that I provide for you, it's in your back office
5. Planning ahead without fail. Concentrating on the remaining effort can help reinforce commitment.
6. Rewarding myself when warranted. By all means focus on what's outstanding, but also take stock of what's done.
7. Having positive patterns in my routine. I've found having good habits and positive patterns to be instrumental.
8. Removing distractions as best I can. The best way not to give in to temptation is not to have the option to.
9. Blocking out some time. I've found that having quiet time, set aside specifically for accomplishing a given task, to be very productive.
10. Keeping the results clear in mind. By focusing on the results, it is easier for me to maintain my motivation especially when working on things that I am not by nature motivated by.
11. Enlisting my family and friends for help. They give me constant incentives to work at my goals and succeed.
These '11' techniques can be applied to any aspect of your personal and professional lives. If you find you have trouble staying focused for whatever reason, try applying some or all of these techniques. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, so don't be afraid to experiment.

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